Administrative Office of Courts
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This website is provided as a public service of the Administrative Office of Courts (AOC). Although the information contained on this site is intended to be accurate and timely, the AOC does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of this information. The AOC may modify this website at any time to add, correct or discontinue information.

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Unauthorized access or misuse of web applications accessed via links on this website could result in criminal or civil penalties, including but not limited to, prosecution under the Alabama Digital Crime Act, ยง13A-8-110, et seq., Code of Alabama 1975, and other applicable state and federal statutes.

The information on this site is not intended to serve as legal advice. Legal advice should be sought from an attorney licensed to practice law in Alabama. If you need help finding a qualified attorney, the Alabama State Bar maintains a lawyer referral service and its phone number is 334-269-1515.